
PHP 7 Operators with Example

This tutorial will describe PHP 7 operators with example. The Operators help to perform operations on variables and values.

There are some new operators introduced into php 7, like the null coalescing operator (??), spaceship operator(<=>).

Here, We will discuss all php7 operators with examples. We will go through one by one operator types in PHP 7. There are the following operator groups available in PHP 7.

  • Arithmetic operators
  • Assignment operators
  • Comparison operators
  • Increment/Decrement operators
  • Logical operators
  • String operators
  • Array operators
  • Conditional assignment operators
  • Spaceship operators

PHP Arithmetic Operators

These methods help to do some common arithmetical operations onto the variables. You can do addition, subtraction, multiplication, etc. between two variables.

+Addition$x + $ySum of $x and $y
Subtraction$x – $yDifference of $x and $y
*Multiplication$x * $yProduct of $x and $y
/Division$x / $yQuotient of $x and $y
%Modulus$x % $yRemainder of $x divided by $y
**Exponentiation$x ** $yResult of raising $x to the $y’th power

PHP 7 Arithmetic Operators Example

$x = 20; $y = 8; 
echo($x + $y); // 0utput: 28 
echo($x - $y); // 0utput: 12 
echo($x * $y); // 0utput: 160 
echo($x / $y); // 0utput: 2.5 
echo($x % $y); // 0utput: 4 

PHP 7 Assignment Operators

This type php 7 operator are used to assign values to variables.The left operands gets set to the value of the assignment expression on the right.

Assignment OperatorSame asDescription
$x = $y$x = $yThe assign right expression values to the left variable.
$x += $y$x = $x + $yAddition and assign value to left variable($x).
$x -= $y$x = $x – $ySubtraction and assign value to left variable($x)
$x *= $y$x = $x * $yMultiplication and assign value to $x.
$x /= $y$x = $x / $yDivision and assign value to $x
$x %= $y$x = $x % $yModulus and assign value to $x

PHP 7 Assignment Operators Example

$x = 20;
echo $x; // Outputs: 20

$x += 30;
echo $x; // Outputs: 50

$x -= 20;
echo $x; // Outputs: 30
$x *= 5;
echo $x; // Outputs: 150
$x /= 10;
echo $x; // Outputs: 15
$x %= 15;
echo $x; // Outputs: 1

PHP Comparison Operators

The PHP 7 Comparison Operators help to compare two variables. You can also compare two different types of variables as well.

==Equal$x == $yReturns true, if $x is equal to $y
===Identical$x === $yReturns true, if $x is equal to $y with same type
!=Not equal$x != $yReturns true, if $x is not equal to $y
<>Not equal$x <> $yReturns true, if $x is not equal to $y
!==Not identical$x !== $yReturns true, if $x is not equal to $y, or they are not of the same type
>Greater than$x > $yReturns true, if $x is greater than $y
<Less than$x < $yReturns true if, $x is less than $y
>=Greater than or equal to$x >= $yReturns true, if $x is greater than or equal to $y
<=Less than or equal to$x <= $yReturns true, if $x is less than or equal to $y

PHP 7 comparison Operators Example

$x = 5;
$y = 15;
$z = "5";
var_dump($x == $z);  // Outputs: boolean true
var_dump($x === $z); // Outputs: boolean false
var_dump($x < $y);   // Outputs: boolean true
var_dump($x <= $y);  // Outputs: boolean true

PHP 7 Increment / Decrement Operators

The PHP 7 increment operators are used to increment a variable’s value whereas Decrement Operators used to decrement a variable’s value.

Related Post
++$xPre-incrementIncrements $x by one, then returns $x
$x++Post-incrementReturns $x, then increments $x by one
–$xPre-decrementDecrements $x by one, then returns $x
$x–Post-decrementReturns $x, then decrements $x by one

PHP 7 Incrementing and Decrementing Operators Example

$x = 10;
echo ++$x; // Outputs: 11
echo $x;   // Outputs: 11

echo $x++; // Outputs: 11
echo $x;   // Outputs: 12

echo --$x; // Outputs: 11
echo $x;   // Outputs: 11
echo $x--; // Outputs: 11
echo $x;   // Outputs: 9

PHP 7 Logical Operators

The PHP 7 logical operators are used to combine two conditions. You can combine two variable conditions using logical operators.

andAnd$x and $yTrue – if both $x and $y are true
orOr$x or $yTrue – if either $x or $y is true
xorXor$x xor $yTrue – if either $x or $y is true, but not both
&&And$x && $yTrue – if both $x and $y are true
||Or$x || $yTrue – if either $x or $y is true
!Not!$xTrue – if $x is not true

PHP 7 Logical Operators Example

$x = 10;
$y = 20 
if($x < $y && ($y% $x == 0)) {
 echo "factored number";
} else {
echo "not factored number";

PHP 7 String Operators

There are the following operators for string manipulation.Its specially designed for string types variables.

.Concatenation$str1 . $str2Concatenation of $str1 and $str2
.=Concatenation assignment$str1 .= $str2Appends $str2 to $str1

PHP 7 String Operators Example

$x = "Hello";
$y = " PHPflow!";
echo $x . $y; // Outputs: Hello PHPflow!
$x .= $y;
echo $x; // Outputs: Hello PHPflow!

PHP 7 Array Operators

PHP 7 also provides operators for array type variables, you can compare two arrays using the following array operators.

+Union$x + $yUnion of $x and $y
==Equality$x == $yReturns true, if $x and $y have the same key/value pairs
===Identity$x === $yReturns true, if $x and $y have the same key/value pairs in the same order and of the same types
!=Inequality$x != $yReturns true, if $x is not equal to $y
<>Inequality$x <> $yReturns true, if $x is not equal to $y
!==Non-identity$x !== $yReturns true, if $x is not identical to $y

PHP 7 String Operators Example

$a = array("a" => "Car", "b" => "Bus", "c" => "Truck");
$b = array("u" => "Auto", "v" => "Train", "w" => "Metro");
$c = $a + $b; // Union of $x and $y
var_dump($a == $b);   // Outputs: boolean false
var_dump($a === $b);  // Outputs: boolean false
var_dump($a != $b);   // Outputs: boolean true
var_dump($a <> $b);   // Outputs: boolean true
var_dump($a !== $b);  // Outputs: boolean true

PHP 7 Conditional Assignment Operators

PHP provides some conditional statements for value assignment of a variable. These conditional assignment operators are used to set a value depending on conditions.

?:Ternary$x = 3 > 2 ? true : falseReturns the value of $x based on condition.
??Null coalescing$x = $a > $b ?? $a : $bReturns the value of $x.
The value of $x is $a if $a
exists, and is not NULL. If $a does not exist, or is NULL, the value of $x is

PHP 7 Conditional Assignment Operators Example

// if a is not passed
$a = $a ?? 0;// result 0;

PHP 7 Spaceship Operator

These operators are introduced into PHP 7. The operand (<=>) is used for comparing two expressions. This is a three-way comparison operator and it can perform greater than, less than, and equal comparisons between two operands.

The spaceship operator returns 0 if both operands are equal, 1 if the left is greater, and -1 if the right is greater.

PHP 7 Spaceship Operator Example

echo 10 <=> 10; // outputs 0
echo 30 <=> 40; // outputs -1
echo 40 <=> 30; // outputs 1

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