This Codeigniter tutorial will help to create a sample crud operation application using CI framework and MySQL, As you know CRUD example will have add record, edit record and delete record from the database.
Part 3 : Simple Todo List with PHP and MongoDB
This tutorial help to understand MongoDB connection functionality with PHP. I will get the result from MongoDB database and display it in an HTML table grid.
Create Word Document File In Laravel
This laravel tutorial help to create a Microsoft word document file. We will use third-party phpoffice/phpword package to create a word file using laravel.
Laravel Layouts using Blade and Bootstrap Theme
Laravel is a very powerful framework in PHP. Laravel provides a lot of libraries to create complex functionality in an easy manner. I’ll let you know to create a layout using blade and bootstrap.
Install & Configure MongoDB Driver in XAMPP/WAMP Windows
This tutorial help to install the MongoDB server into windows. I will also let you know the configuration with the PHP server. We will use the MongoDB driver to connect PHP with MongoDB.