This tutorial helps to understand laravel 8/9 logging. The logging help to understand what’s happening in your application. You can also identify the error line with the correct understandable exception message.
We will create different types of logs message into the log file. You can view the logs message in log file, see into the shell command window.
Laravel Log
The default channel is a log file and stored into the /storage/logs/laravel.log
file. Laravel provides robust logging services that allow you to log messages to files, the system error log, and even to Slack to notify your entire team.
Laravel logs is depend on the channel, You can define channel information in the config/logging.php
configuration file. The Log messages may be written to multiple channels based on their severity. By default, Laravel will use the stack channel when logging messages.
Each channel writes log information in a specific way, Like the single channel writes log files to a single log file, while the slack channel sends log messages to Slack.
How To Configuring The Channel Name
The laravel log internally utilizes the Monolog library, Which provides support for a variety of powerful log handlers.
There is a following sample channel configuration :
'stack' => [ 'driver' => 'stack', 'name' => 'channel-name', 'channels' => ['single', 'slack'], ]
Where params are :
- driver: The driver determines how and where the log message is actually recorded.
- name: This is your channel name.
- channels: array of channels.
There are the following channels available in Laravel :
Name | Description |
custom | A driver that calls a specified factory to create a channel |
daily | A RotatingFileHandler based Monolog driver which rotates daily |
errorlog | A ErrorLogHandler based Monolog driver |
monolog | A Monolog factory driver that may use any supported Monolog handler |
null | A driver that discards all log messages |
papertrail | A SyslogUdpHandler based Monolog driver |
single | A single file or path based logger channel (StreamHandler ) |
slack | A SlackWebhookHandler based Monolog driver |
stack | A wrapper to facilitate creating “multi-channel” channels |
syslog | A SyslogHandler based Monolog driver |
How to Define Multiple Log Channels in Laravel
You can define multi-channel in laravel logs as below:
'channels' => [ 'stack' => [ 'driver' => 'stack', 'channels' => ['syslog', 'slack'], ], 'syslog' => [ 'driver' => 'syslog', 'level' => 'debug', ], 'slack' => [ 'driver' => 'slack', 'url' => env('LOG_SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL'), 'username' => 'Laravel Log', 'emoji' => ':boom:', 'level' => 'critical', ], ],
The level parameter holds the severity of the message, if the message is debugging then it will be logged by syslog channel. if the log message type is critical, then it will be logged by the slack channel.
we log a message using the debug method:
Log::debug('Debug message: Hi, I am phpflow.');
syslog channel will write the above message to the system log.
we log a message using the critical method:
Log::critical('critical message: Hi, I am phpflow.);
Any other type of log message will be written into both types of channels. There are the following other types log messages available in the Laravel:
Log::emergency($message); Log::alert($message); Log::error($message); Log::warning($message); Log::notice($message); Log::info($message);
How To Log Contextual Information
An array of data may also be passed to the log methods. This array of data will be formatted and displayed with the log message:
Log::info('The service response is', ['resp' => $resp]);
Laravel Log message to Specific Channel
Sometimes you may wish to log a message to a specific channel other than your application’s default channel. You need to use channel()
method to log message:
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log; Log::channel('slack')->info('Something happened!');
We have learned the log management system in laravel 8, defined the channel configuration, and use with different types of log messages. We can send the log message into the specific channel.