This tutorial help to convert gitlab raw log into html color view. The gitlab ci/cd are generating logs for each jobs. You can view color view logs using gitlab view.
I have asked question into the as well, but did not get answer from any body So I have shared my solution that can be helpful.
Use case :-
I am creating a angularjs ui where user can see gitlab job logs, So we have created a rest call that ll return raw logs as text and render into html UI.
How to get logs using API
The gitlab v4 api is providing a rest end point to get a log (trace) of a specific job of a project.
GET /projects/:id/jobs/:job_id/trace
Where id
is the project id and job_id
is the job id.
I have created a Laravel api that will return html format of raw git job logs, I have taken this job logs but in git raw api there is ANSI codes that need to convert into HTML5 format.
The trace url would be –
When we access above api call, We ll get the raw logs with ansi characters, that ll hold color value;
I am using laravel 7 framework, so i ll use sensiolabs/ansi-to-html package that help to convert ANSI character into html.
Let’s install packages –composer require sensiolabs/ansi-to-html
Convert Gitlab Raw into HTML
We have installed package into the application, open the testController.php
file and added below code into the top of the file –
use SensioLabs\AnsiConverter\AnsiToHtmlConverter;
Created the instance into the controller constructor method :
protected $ansihtml; public function __construct() { $this->ansihtml = new AnsiToHtmlConverter(); }
Let’s call convert method over the gitlab raw logs.
public function jobLogs($job_id, $pipeline_id) { $ansi = $this->getGitlabLogs($project_id, $job_id); $html = $this->ansihtml->convert($ansi); return html; }
When you render above response into html file, You will get below view –