This tutorial help to add client-side validation into laravel form. I have already shared Laravel 5.6 Server Side Validation Example Using Resource Controller.
Basic Authentication in Laravel 9 Using Middleware
This Laravel 9 tutorial help to add basic authentication using laravel middleware. We will create a middleware class in Laravel 9 that authenticates the user using basicauth, After successfully authenticating user, Laravel will process the next request.
LinkedIn OAuth2.0 Authentication Using Rest API and PHP
This PHP tutorial helps to create sign-in and sign-out functionality using LinkedIn rest API. It’s a very common functionality to get user profile information from a linked-in account.
PHP Web Application Authentication Using Google OAuth 2.0
This tutorial help to understand Google OAuth implementation with PHP. I will explain how PHP web applications use the Google API Client Library, and the implementation of OAuth 2.0 authorization to access Google APIs.
How to Consume XML Rest API Using PHP
This lumen tutorial help to create a rest wrapper using lumen to consume XML type Rest API. I have already shared a tutorial to consume JSON type rest API but this example will use XML type rest service that sends XML as a response.