This is a simple laravel tutorial that helps to send email using laravel 9. We will use a blade template to create a view for email content. We will create a feedback form that has user inputs, The feedback content will send to the target email ids using the mail class.
Send Feedback Form Through Mail Using PHP
This tutorial help to create feedback form using bootstrap and send through email using php. We will use PHP mail functionality to send form content using email. I just want to send a user feedback form through email using the PHP on-click of submit button.
X-editable Inline Editing Example Using PHP and MySQL
I will demonstrate in this PHP tutorial to create inline editing using PHP and MySQL. You can also create inline editing using HTML5 attribute. Inline editing is a very important feature of web applications that allows the user to update on the fly without moving any extra pages.
Add,Edit and Delete Record using Bootgrid , PHP and MySQL
jQuery Bootgrid is a very popular grid plugin and specially designed for bootstrap. This tutorial help to add .edit and delete records using PHP and MySQL. I am using AJAX technology to add, edit and delete records with MySQL using Bootgrid.
Simple Example Bootgrid (Server Side) with PHP, MySQL and Ajax
This tutorial help to understand Bootgrid listing with PHP, MySQL Using Ajax.We will convert a simple HTML table into a feature table with features such as table data searching, pagination, column sorting, and many more.