Part 3 : Simple Todo List with PHP and MongoDB

This tutorial help to understand MongoDB connection functionality with PHP. I will get the result from MongoDB database and display it in an HTML table grid.

This is a beginner tutorial for mongodb and PHP lover. MongoDB is a very popular NoSQL database, and PHP is a very famous open-source language for web scripting.

I am creating a simple example to read data from MongoDB database. We will parse data using PHP server side and display it into an HTML table.

Updated Tutorial – CRUD Operations Using PHP And MongoDB

We will follow the following simple steps to connect PHP to MongoDB database using Mongo PHP driver, Previously I have illustrated how to install mongodb driver in your xampp windows server.


You can also check other tutorial of MongoDB and PHP,

Simple Listing Example of MongoDB with PHP

Step 1: We will start the MongoDB server using 'mongod' command. You can type 'mondod' in window command line and press enter. If you haven’t installed please refer previous tutorial.

Step 2: We will create a index.php file. Here, We will define the connection string for MongoDB with PHP and table listing HTML code to display records.

Step 3: Create a connection with MongoDB and PHP using the below code, Please put the below code on the top of the index.php file.

// Config
$dbhost = 'localhost';
$dbname = 'testdb';

// Connect to test database
$m = new Mongo("mongodb://$dbhost");

$db = $m->dbname;

// select the collection
$collection = $db->movie;

// pull a cursor query
$cursor = $collection->find();


Step 4: Iterating on MongoDB result set using for-each loop using the below code, Please put the below code into the body section of the index.php file.

<table class="">

<th>roll Number</th>

        foreach ($cursor as $document) {?>

<th><?php echo $document['name']?></th>
<th><?php echo $document['age']?></th>
<th><?php echo $document['rno']?></th>

<?php }?>



This PHP MongoDB tutorial help to display a simple listing of all MongoDB records into HTML table.You can add/edit record data using the MongoDB command line query. I left add, edit and delete functionality from UI side.You can do it yourself.

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