Laravel Eloquent Queries with Eager Loading

Laravel Eloquent has many in-built functionalities for data layer, The one of them is eager loading on dataset. The Eloquent help to solve N+1 queries problem.The eager loading can drastically increase the performance of your application. The eager work with relational data set, that mean you need to define relational between two tables or many […]

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Simple Ajax Pagination with PHP


In previous tutorial we have learn Simple tutorial of pagination in php, here we will learn php pagination with days we are using ajax functionality for each request.We are using jQuery library for Ajax request and MySQL for database. We have following files: 1- db.php : This file contains db connection information. 2- pagination.php […]

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How to Monitor Beanstalkd Queue In Laravel Using Admin Console


This laravel tutorial help to integrate beanstalkd console admin ui with laravel application. I will use Beanstalkd Admin UI plugin to implement beanstalk console view into bootstrap template. You can see you working queue process into admin ui using http:///beanstalkd/tubes in your browser.You can get more statistics about beanstalkd like how many jobs process,ready jobs, […]

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